
Triple Skip and Ripple Patterns

  The G. I. Sellers Cabinet Company is distingushed with commissioning the Sneath Glass Company for unique patterns that were used exclusively in their cabinets beginning in 1905. The "Flip Top" jars were among the first glass containers made to replace the jappanned tin containers of the late 1800's.   These were produced in three styles for only about a year: Colonial, Zipper or Quaker and what has come to be known as the Triple Skip Pattern.  The "Triple Skip" theme  became unique to Sellers brand cabinets and took a variety of forms including the art deco "oval" groups.   Some pieces like those in the black amethyst glass are extremely rare.  Later on in the 1930's, the Ripple pattern was introduced.  The emergence of glass as an "art form" is evident in all of the Sellers glassware.

Triple Skip or Cross Pattern

Oval - Clear Traditional - Pre 1919
Oval - Black Amethyst Traditional - Post 1919
Oval - Black Fired On Traditional - Ringed
Oval - Red Fired On Flip Top - Quick Twist

Ripple Pattern

Ripple Clear Ripple Clambroth
Send mail to  towbees2@hotmail.com  to check for availability, condition and price.
Copyright © 2004 Towbees, All rights to photos reserved
Last modified: February 17, 2004